Ezekiel 32:3–Jonah 1:2

Thus says the Lord God:

mI will throw my net over you

with a host of nmany peoples,

and othey will haul you up in my dragnet.

And pI will cast you on the ground;

on the open field I will fling you,

and will cause all the birds of the heavens to settle on you,

and I will gorge the beasts of the whole earth with you.

I will strew your flesh qupon the mountains

and fill the valleys with your carcass.1

I will drench the land even to the mountains

with your flowing blood,

and the ravines will be full of you.

rWhen I blot you out, sI will cover the heavens

and make their stars dark;

I will cover the sun with a cloud,

and the moon shall not give its light.

All the bright lights of heaven

will I make dark over you,

and tput darkness on your land,

declares the Lord God.

I will trouble the hearts of many peoples, when I bring your destruction among the nations, into the countries that you have not known. 10 uI will make many peoples appalled at you, and the hair of their kings shall bristle with horror because of you, when vI brandish my sword before them. wThey shall tremble every moment, every one for his own life, on the day of your downfall.

11 For thus says the Lord God: xThe sword of the king of Babylon shall come upon you. 12 I will cause yyour multitude to fall by the swords of mighty ones, all of them zmost ruthless of nations.

aThey shall bring to ruin the pride of Egypt,

and all its multitude2 shall perish.

13  I will destroy all its beasts

from beside many waters;

band no foot of man shall trouble them anymore,

nor shall the hoofs of beasts trouble them.

14  Then cI will make their waters clear,

and cause their rivers to run like oil,

declares the Lord God.

15  When I make the land of Egypt desolate,

and when the land dis desolate of all that fills it,

when I strike down all who dwell in it,

then ethey will know that I am the Lord.

16 fThis is a lamentation that shall be chanted; the daughters of the nations shall chant it; over Egypt, and over gall her multitude, shall they chant it, declares the Lord God.

17 hIn the twelfth year, in the twelfth month,3 on the fifteenth day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me: 18 iSon of man, jwail over gthe multitude of Egypt, and ksend them down, her and the daughters of majestic nations, lto the world below, to those who have gone down to the pit:

19  mWhom do you surpass in beauty?

Go down and nbe laid to rest with the uncircumcised.

20 They shall fall amid those owho are slain by the sword. Egypt4 is delivered to the sword; drag her away, and pall her multitudes. 21 The mighty chiefs qshall speak of them, rwith their helpers, out of the midst of Sheol: They have come down, they lie still, sthe uncircumcised, oslain by the sword.

22 tAssyria is there, and all her company, uits graves all around it, all of them slain, fallen by the sword, 23 whose graves are set in vthe uttermost parts of the pit; and her company is all around her grave, all of them slain, fallen by the sword, wwho spread terror xin the land of the living.

24 yElam is zthere, and all her multitude around her grave; all of them aslain, fallen by the sword, who went down uncircumcised into bthe world below, who spread their terror in the land of the living; and cthey bear their shame bwith those who go down to the pit. 25 dThey have made her a bed among the slain with all her multitude, eher graves all around it, all of them uncircumcised, slain by the sword; for terror of them was spread in the land of the living, and they bear their shame with those who go down to the pit; they are placed among the slain.

26 fMeshech-Tubal is ethere, and all her multitude, eher graves all around it, all of them uncircumcised, slain by the sword; for they spread their terror in the land of the living. 27 And gthey do not lie with the mighty, the fallen from among the uncircumcised, who went down to Sheol with their weapons of war, whose swords were laid under their heads, and whose iniquities are upon their bones; for the terror of the mighty men was in the land of the living. 28 But as for you, you shall be broken hand lie among the uncircumcised, with those who are slain by the sword.

29 iEdom is jthere, her kings and all her princes, who for all their might are laid with those who are killed by the sword; they lie with the uncircumcised, with those who go down to the pit.

30 The princes kof the north are there, all of them, and all the lSidonians, who have gone down in shame with the slain, mfor all the terror that they caused by their might; they lie uncircumcised with those who are slain by the sword, and nbear their shame with those who go down to the pit.

31 When Pharaoh sees them, he owill be comforted for pall his multitude, Pharaoh and all his army, slain by the sword, declares the Lord God. 32 qFor I spread terror rin the land of the living; and he shall be laid to rest among sthe uncircumcised, with those who are slain by the sword, Pharaoh and all his multitude, declares the Lord God.

The word of the Lord came to me: tSon of man, speak to uyour people and say to them, If vI bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from among them, and make him their wwatchman, and if he sees the sword coming upon the land and xblows the trumpet and warns the people, then if anyone who hears the sound of the trumpet does not take warning, and the sword comes and takes him away, yhis blood shall be upon his own head. zHe heard the sound of the trumpet and did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But if he had taken warning, he would have saved his life. aBut if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, so that the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any one of them, athat person is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.

bSo you, tson of man, I have made a watchman for the house of Israel. bWhenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. cIf I say to the wicked, O wicked one, you shall surely die, cand you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from his way, cthat wicked person shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. dBut if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, dthat person shall die in his iniquity, ebut you will have delivered your soul.

10 And you, fson of man, say to the house of Israel, Thus have you said: Surely our transgressions and our sins are upon us, and gwe rot away because of them. hHow then can we live? 11 Say to them, iAs I live, declares the Lord God, jI have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; kturn back, turn back from your evil ways, kfor why will you die, O house of Israel?

12 tAnd you, son of man, say to lyour people, mThe righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him when he transgresses, nand as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall by it when he turns from his wickedness, mand the righteous shall not be able to live by his righteousness5 when he sins. 13 Though I say to the righteous that he shall surely live, yet mif he trusts in his righteousness and does injustice, none of his righteous deeds shall be remembered, but in his injustice that he has done he shall die. 14 Again, othough I say to the wicked, pYou shall surely die, yet qif he turns from his sin and does what is just and right, 15 if the wicked rrestores the pledge, sgives back what he has taken by robbery, and walks tin the statutes of life, not doing injustice, he shall surely live; he shall not die. 16 uNone of the sins that he has committed shall be remembered against him. He has done what is just and right; he shall surely live.

17 Yet lyour people say, vThe way of the Lord is not just, when it is their own way that is not just. 18 wWhen the righteous turns from his righteousness and does injustice, he shall die for it. 19 And xwhen the wicked turns from his wickedness and does what is just and right, he shall live by this. 20 Yet you say, The way of the Lord is not just. O house of Israel, yI will judge each of you according to his ways.

21 In the ztwelfth year aof our exile, in the tenth month, on the fifth day of the month, ba fugitive from Jerusalem came to me and said, cThe city has been struck down. 22 dNow ethe hand of the Lord had been upon me the evening before the fugitive came; and he had opened my mouth by the time the man came to me in the morning, so my mouth was opened, and I was no longer mute.

23 The word of the Lord came to me: 24 fSon of man, the inhabitants of these gwaste places in the land of Israel keep saying, hAbraham was only one man, yet he got possession of the land; but iwe are many; the land is surely given us to possess. 25 Therefore say to them, Thus says the Lord God: jYou eat flesh with the blood and klift up your eyes to your idols and lshed blood; shall you then possess the land? 26 mYou rely on the sword, nyou commit abominations, and neach of you defiles his neighbor’s wife; shall you then possess the land? 27 Say this to them, Thus says the Lord God: oAs I live, surely those who are in pthe waste places shall fall by qthe sword, and whoever is in the open field I will give to qthe beasts to be devoured, and those who are in rstrongholds and in caves shall die by qpestilence. 28 sAnd I will make the land a desolation and a waste, and ther proud might shall come to an end, and uthe mountains of Israel shall be so desolate that none will pass through. 29 vThen they will know that I am the Lord, when I have made the land a desolation and a waste because of all their abominations that they have committed.

30 As for you, fson of man, wyour people who talk together about you by the walls and at the doors of the houses, say to one another, each to his brother, Come, and hear what the word is that comes from the Lord. 31 xAnd they come to you as people come, and they sit before you as my people, and they hear what you say but they will not do it; for ywith lustful talk in their mouths they act; their heart is set on their gain. 32 And behold, you are to them like one who sings lustful songs with a beautiful voice and zplays6 well on an instrument, for athey hear what you say, but they will not do it. 33 bWhen this comesand come it will!cthen they will know that a prophet has been among them.

The word of the Lord came to me: dSon of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy, and say to them, even to the shepherds, Thus says the Lord God: eAh, shepherds of Israel fwho have been feeding yourselves! gShould not shepherds feed the sheep? hYou eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, iyou slaughter the fat ones, but you do not feed the sheep. jThe weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, hthe injured you have not bound up, hthe strayed you have not brought back, kthe lost you have not sought, and with force and lharshness you have ruled them. mSo they were scattered, because there was no shepherd, and nthey became food for all the wild beasts. My sheep were scattered; they wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. My sheep were scattered over all the face of the earth, owith none to search or seek for them.

Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: pAs I live, declares the Lord God, surely because qmy sheep have become a prey, and my sheep have become food for all the wild beasts, since there was no shepherd, and because my shepherds have not searched for my sheep, but the shepherds have fed themselves, and have not fed my sheep, therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: 10 Thus says the Lord God, rBehold, I am against the shepherds, and sI will require my sheep at their hand and tput a stop to their feeding the sheep. uNo longer shall the shepherds feed themselves. vI will rescue my sheep from their mouths, that they may not be food for them.

11 For thus says the Lord God: wBehold, I, I xmyself will search for my sheep and will seek them out. 12 As a shepherd seeks out his flock when he is among his sheep that have been scattered, so will I seek out my sheep, and I will rescue them from all places where they have been scattered on ya day of clouds and zthick darkness. 13 And I will bring them out from the peoples aand gather them from the countries, and will bring them into their own land. And I will feed them on bthe mountains of Israel, by the ravines, and in all the inhabited places of the country. 14 cI will feed them with good pasture, and on the mountain heights of Israel shall be their grazing land. dThere they shall lie down in good grazing land, and on rich pasture they shall feed on the mountains of Israel. 15 eI myself will be the shepherd of my sheep, dand I myself will make them lie down, declares the Lord God. 16 fI will seek the lost, gand I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak, and hthe fat and the strong I will destroy.7 I will feed them in justice.

17 As for you, my flock, thus says the Lord God: iBehold, I judge between sheep and sheep, between rams and jmale goats. 18 Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture, that you must tread down with your feet the rest of your pasture; and to drink of kclear water, that you must muddy the rest of the water with your feet? 19 And must my sheep eat what you have trodden with your feet, and drink what you have muddied with your feet?

20 Therefore, thus says the Lord God to them: Behold, I, I myself will judge between the fat sheep and the lean sheep. 21 Because you push with side and shoulder, and lthrust at all the mweak with your horns, till you have scattered them abroad, 22 I will rescue8 my flock; nthey shall no longer be a prey. And I will judge between sheep and sheep. 23 And oI will set up over them one shepherd, pmy servant David, and he shall feed them: he shall feed them and be their shepherd. 24 And qI, the Lord, will be their God, and my servant David shall be prince among them. rI am the Lord; I have spoken.

25 sI will make with them a covenant of peace and tbanish wild beasts from the land, uso that they may dwell securely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods. 26 And I will make them and the places all around my hill va blessing, and wI will send down the showers in their season; they shall be xshowers of blessing. 27 yAnd the trees of the field shall yield their fruit, and the earth shall yield its increase, uand they shall be secure in their land. And zthey shall know that I am the Lord, when aI break the bars of their yoke, and adeliver them from the hand of those who enslaved them. 28 nThey shall no more be a prey to the nations, tnor shall the beasts of the land devour them. uThey shall dwell securely, and none shall make them afraid. 29 And I will provide for them brenowned plantations so that cthey shall no more be consumed with hunger in the land, and no longer dsuffer the reproach of the nations. 30 And they shall know that qI am the Lord their God with them, and that they, the house of Israel, are my people, declares the Lord God. 31 And you are my sheep, ehuman sheep of my pasture, and I am your God, declares the Lord God.

The word of the Lord came to me: fSon of man, gset your face hagainst iMount Seir, and prophesy against it, and say to it, Thus says the Lord God: jBehold, I am against you, Mount Seir, and kI will stretch out my hand against you, land I will make you a desolation and a waste. mI will lay your cities waste, and you shall become a desolation, and you shall know that I am the Lord. Because nyou cherished perpetual enmity and gave over the people of Israel to the power of the sword oat the time of their calamity, pat the time of their final punishment, therefore, qas I live, declares the Lord God, I will prepare you for blood, and blood shall pursue you; rbecause you did not hate bloodshed, therefore blood shall pursue you. lI will make Mount Seir a waste mand a desolation, and I will cut off from it sall who come and go. And I will fill tits mountains with the slain. On your hills and in your valleys and in all tyour ravines uthose slain with the sword shall fall. lI will make you a perpetual desolation, and myour cities shall not be inhabited. Then vyou will know that I am the Lord.

10 Because you said, wThese two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and xwe will take possession of themalthough the yLord was there 11 therefore, qas I live, declares the Lord God, I will deal with you zaccording to the anger and zenvy that you showed because of your hatred against them. And aI will make myself known among them, when I judge you. 12 And you shall know that I am the Lord.

bI have heard all the revilings that you uttered against the mountains of Israel, saying, They are laid desolate; cthey are given us to devour. 13 And byou magnified yourselves against me dwith your mouth, and multiplied your words against me; I heard it. 14 Thus says the Lord God: eWhile the whole earth rejoices, I will make you desolate. 15 As you frejoiced over the inheritance of the house of Israel, because it was desolate, so I will deal with you; you shall be desolate, gMount Seir, and all Edom, all of it. Then hthey will know that I am the Lord.

And you, ison of man, prophesy to jthe mountains of Israel, and say, O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord. Thus says the Lord God: Because kthe enemy said of you, lAha! and, The ancient mheights have become our possession, therefore prophesy, and say, Thus says the Lord God: Precisely because nthey made you desolate and crushed you from all sides, so that you became the possession of the rest of the nations, and oyou became the talk and evil gossip of the people, therefore, O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord God: Thus says the Lord God to pthe mountains and the hills, the ravines and the valleys, qthe desolate wastes and the deserted cities, which have become ra prey and derision to the rest of the nations all around, therefore thus says the Lord God: Surely I have spoken in smy hot jealousy against the rest of the nations and tagainst all Edom, who ugave my land to themselves as a possession vwith wholehearted joy and wutter contempt, that they might make its pasturelands a prey. Therefore prophesy concerning the land of Israel, and say to jthe mountains and hills, to the ravines and valleys, Thus says the Lord God: xBehold, I have spoken in my jealous wrath, because you have suffered ythe reproach of the nations. Therefore thus says the Lord God: zI swear that the nations that are all around you yshall themselves suffer reproach.

But you, O mountains of Israel, ashall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to my people Israel, for bthey will soon come home. For cbehold, I am for you, and I will turn to you, and dyou shall be tilled and sown. 10 And eI will multiply people on you, the whole house of Israel, all of it. fThe cities shall be inhabited and the waste places rebuilt. 11 And I will multiply on you gman and beast, and hthey shall multiply and be fruitful. And I will cause you to be inhabited as in iyour former times, and jwill do more good to you than ever before. kThen you will know that I am the Lord. 12 I will let people walk on you, even my people Israel. lAnd they shall possess you, and you shall be their inheritance, and you shall no longer mbereave them of children. 13 Thus says the Lord God: Because they say to you, nYou devour people, and you bereave your nation of children, 14 therefore you shall no longer devour people and no longer bereave your nation of children, declares the Lord God. 15 And I will not let you hear anymore ythe reproach of the nations, and you shall no longer bear the disgrace of the peoples and no longer cause your nation to stumble, declares the Lord God.

16 The word of the Lord came to me: 17 oSon of man, when the house of Israel lived in their own land, pthey defiled it by their ways and their deeds. Their ways before me were qlike the uncleanness of a woman in her menstrual impurity. 18 So rI poured out my wrath upon them sfor the blood that they had shed in the land, for the idols twith which they had defiled it. 19 uI scattered them among the nations, and they were dispersed through the countries. vIn accordance with their ways and their deeds I judged them. 20 But when they came to the nations, wherever they came, wthey profaned my holy name, in that people said of them, These are the people of the Lord, and yet they had to go out of his land. 21 But I had concern xfor my holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations to which they came.

22 Therefore say to the house of Israel, Thus says the Lord God: yIt is not for your sake, O house of Israel, that I am about to act, but for the sake of my holy name, wwhich you have profaned among the nations to which you came. 23 zAnd I will vindicate the holiness of my great name, which has been profaned among the nations, and which you have profaned among them. aAnd the nations will know that I am the Lord, declares the Lord God, when through you I vindicate my holiness before their eyes. 24 bI will take you cfrom the nations and gather you from all the countries and dbring you into your own land. 25 eI will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean from fall your uncleannesses, and gfrom all your idols hI will cleanse you. 26 And I will give you ia new heart, and ia new spirit I will put within you. iAnd I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 jAnd I will put my Spirit within you, iand cause you to walk in my statutes and kbe careful to obey my rules.9 28 lYou shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers, and myou shall be my people, and I will be your God. 29 And nI will deliver you from all your uncleannesses. And oI will summon the grain and make it abundant and play no famine upon you. 30 qI will make the fruit of the tree and the increase of the field abundant, othat you may never again suffer the disgrace of famine among the nations. 31 Then ryou will remember your evil ways, and your deeds that were not good, and you will loathe yourselves for your iniquities and your abominations. 32 yIt is not for your sake that I will act, declares the Lord God; let that be known to you. Be ashamed and confounded for your ways, O house of Israel.

33 Thus says the Lord God: On the day that sI cleanse you from all your iniquities, tI will cause the cities to be inhabited, and the waste places shall be rebuilt. 34 And the land that was desolate shall be tilled, instead of being the desolation that it was in the sight of all who passed by. 35 And they will say, This land that was desolate has become like uthe garden of Eden, and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are now fortified and inhabited. 36 Then vthe nations that are left all around you shall know that I am the Lord; I have rebuilt the ruined places and wreplanted that which was desolate. xI am the Lord; I have spoken, and I will do it.

37 Thus says the Lord God: This also yI will let the house of Israel ask me to do for them: zto increase their people like aa flock. 38 Like the flock for sacrifices,10 blike the flock at Jerusalem during her appointed feasts, so tshall the waste cities be filled with flocks of people. cThen they will know that I am the Lord.

dThe hand of the Lord was upon me, and ehe brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the middle of the valley;11 it was full of bones. And he led me around among them, and behold, there were very many on the surface of the valley, and behold, they were very dry. And he said to me, fSon of man, gcan these bones live? And hI answered, O Lord God, you know. Then he said to me, iProphesy over these bones, and say to them, jO dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause kbreath12 to enter you, and you shall live. lAnd I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and lcover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live, mand you shall know that I am the Lord.

So I prophesied nas I was commanded. And as I prophesied, there was a sound, and behold, oa rattling,13 and the bones came together, bone to its bone. And I looked, and behold, there were sinews on them, and flesh had come upon them, and skin had covered them. But pthere was no breath in them. Then he said to me, iProphesy to the breath; prophesy, fson of man, and say to the breath, Thus says the Lord God: Come from qthe four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live. 10 So I prophesied nas he commanded me, and rthe breath came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army.

11 Then he said to me, fSon of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. Behold, they say, Our bones are dried up, and sour hope is lost; twe are indeed cut off. 12 Therefore iprophesy, and say to them, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, uI will open your graves and raise you from your graves, O my people. And vI will bring you into the land of Israel. 13 And wyou shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves, and raise you from your graves, O my people. 14 And xI will put my Spirit within you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I am the Lord; yI have spoken, and I will do it, declares the Lord.

15 The word of the Lord came to me: 16 zSon of man, atake a stick14 and write on it, For bJudah, and cthe people of Israel associated with him; then take another stick and write on it, For bJoseph (the stick of dEphraim) and all the house of Israel associated with him. 17 And ejoin them one to another into one stick, that fthey may become gone in your hand. 18 And when hyour people say to you, iWill you not tell us what you mean by these? 19 say to them, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am about to take jthe stick of Joseph (that is in the hand of Ephraim) and the tribes of Israel associated with him. And I will join with it the jstick of Judah,15 and kmake them one stick, gthat they may be one in my hand. 20 When the sticks on which you write are in your hand lbefore their eyes, 21 then say to them, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, mI will take the people of Israel from the nations among which they have gone, and will gather them from all around, and mbring them to their own land. 22 And nI will make them one nation in the land, on othe mountains of Israel. And pone king shall be king over them all, and they shall be no longer qtwo nations, and no longer divided into two kingdoms. 23 rThey shall not sdefile themselves anymore twith their idols and their detestable things, or with any of their transgressions. But uI will save them from all the backslidings16 in which they have sinned, and will cleanse them; and vthey shall be my people, and I will be their God.

24 My servant wDavid xshall be king over them, and they shall all have yone shepherd. zThey shall walk in my rules and be careful to obey my statutes. 25 aThey shall dwell in the land that I gave to my servant Jacob, where your fathers lived. They and their children and their children’s children shall dwell there bforever, and David my servant shall be their prince cforever. 26 dI will make a covenant of peace with them. It shall be ean everlasting covenant with them. And I will set them in their land17 and fmultiply them, and will gset my sanctuary in their midst forevermore. 27 hMy dwelling place shall be with them, vand I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 28 Then ithe nations will know that jI am the Lord who sanctifies Israel, when gmy sanctuary is in their midst forevermore.

The word of the Lord came to me: kSon of man, lset your face toward mGog, of the land of nMagog, the ochief prince of pMeshech18 and pTubal, and qprophesy against him and say, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, rI am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech19 and Tubal. sAnd I will turn you about and tput hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and uall your army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed in full armor, a great host, all of them with buckler and shield, wielding swords. vPersia, wCush, and vPut are with them, all of them with shield and helmet; xGomer and all his yhordes; zBeth-togarmah from athe uttermost parts of the north with all his hordesumany peoples are with you.

bBe ready and keep ready, you and all your hosts that are assembled about you, and be a guard for them. cAfter many days you will be mustered. dIn the latter years you will go against dthe land that is restored from war, the land whose people ewere gathered from many peoples upon fthe mountains of Israel, which had been a continual waste. Its people were brought out from the peoples and gnow dwell securely, all of them. You will advance, coming on hlike a storm. You will be ilike a cloud covering the land, you and all your yhordes, and many peoples with you.

10 Thus says the Lord God: On that day, jthoughts will come into your mind, and you will devise an evil scheme 11 and say, I will go up against kthe land of unwalled villages. I will fall upon lthe quiet people who dwell securely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having no bars or gates, 12 to seize spoil and carry off plunder, to turn your hand against mthe waste places that are now inhabited, and mthe people who were gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, nwho dwell at the center of the earth. 13 oSheba and pDedan and the merchants of Tarshish and all qits leaders20 will say to you, Have you come to seize spoil? Have you assembled your hosts to carry off plunder, to carry away silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods, to seize great spoil?

14 Therefore, rson of man, prophesy, and say to sGog, Thus says the Lord God: On that day when my people Israel are gdwelling securely, twill you not know it? 15 You will come from your place out of uthe uttermost parts of the north, you and vmany peoples with you, wall of them riding on horses, a great host, a mighty army. 16 You will come up against my people Israel, ilike a cloud covering the land. xIn the latter days I will bring you against my land, that the nations may know me, when through you, O Gog, yI vindicate my holiness before their eyes.

17 Thus says the Lord God: Are you zhe of whom I spoke in former days by my servants the prophets of Israel, who in those days prophesied for years that I would bring you against them? 18 But on that day, the day that Gog shall come against the land of Israel, declares the Lord God, amy wrath will be roused in my anger. 19 For bin my jealousy and in my blazing wrath I declare, On that day cthere shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. 20 dThe fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and the beasts of the field and all creeping things that creep on the ground, and all the people who are on the face of the earth, eshall quake at my presence. And fthe mountains shall be thrown down, and the cliffs shall fall, and every wall shall tumble to the ground. 21 gI will summon a sword against Gog21 on all my mountains, declares the Lord God. hEvery man’s sword will be against his brother. 22 With pestilence and bloodshed iI will enter into judgment with him, and jI will rain upon him and khis hordes and the many peoples who are with him ltorrential rains and hailstones, mfire and sulfur. 23 So I will show my greatness and my nholiness and omake myself known in the eyes of many nations. Then pthey will know that I am the Lord.

And you, qson of man, rprophesy against sGog and say, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, tI am against you, O Gog, uchief prince of vMeshech22 and vTubal. wAnd I will turn you about and drive you forward,23 and bring you up from xthe uttermost parts of the north, and lead you against the ymountains of Israel. Then zI will strike your bow from your left hand, and zwill make your arrows drop out of your right hand. aYou shall fall on ythe mountains of Israel, you and all your bhordes and the peoples who are with you. cI will give you to birds of prey of every sort and to the beasts of the field to be devoured. You shall fall in the open field, for dI have spoken, declares the Lord God. eI will send fire on fMagog and on those gwho dwell securely in hthe coastlands, and ithey shall know that I am the Lord.

And jmy holy name I will make known in the midst of my people Israel, and kI will not let my holy name be profaned anymore. And lthe nations shall know that I am mthe Lord, the Holy One in Israel. nBehold, it is coming and it will be brought about, declares the Lord God. That is the day oof which I have spoken.

Then those who dwell in the cities of Israel will go out and pmake fires of the weapons and burn them, shields and bucklers, bow and arrows, qclubs24 and spears; and they will make fires of them for seven years, 10 so that they will not need to take wood out of the field or cut down any out of the forests, for pthey will make their fires of the weapons. rThey will seize the spoil of those who despoiled them, and plunder those who plundered them, declares the Lord God.

11 On that day I will give to sGog a place for burial in Israel, the Valley of the Travelers, east of the sea. It will block the travelers, for there Gog and all his multitude will be buried. It will be called the Valley of tHamon-gog.25 12 For useven months the house of Israel will be burying them, in order vto cleanse the land. 13 All the people of the land will bury them, and it will bring them renown on the day that wI show my glory, declares the Lord God. 14 They will set apart men to travel through the land regularly and bury those travelers remaining on the face of the land, so as vto cleanse it. At26 the end of xseven months they will make their search. 15 And when these travel through the land and anyone sees a human bone, then he shall set up a sign by it, till the buriers have buried it in the Valley of yHamon-gog. 16 (Hamonah27 is also the name of the city.) Thus shall they cleanse the land.

17 As for you, zson of man, thus says the Lord God: aSpeak to bthe birds of every sort and to ball beasts of the field: Assemble and come, gather from all around to cthe sacrificial feast that I am preparing for you, a great sacrificial feast on the mountains of Israel, and you shall eat flesh and drink blood. 18 dYou shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drink the blood of the princes of the earthof rams, of lambs, and of he-goats, of bulls, all of them efat beasts of Bashan. 19 And you shall eat fat till you are filled, and drink blood till you are drunk, at the sacrificial feast that I am preparing for you. 20 And you shall be filled at my table with horses and charioteers, with mighty men and all kinds of warriors, declares the Lord God.

21 And fI will set my glory among the nations, and all the nations shall see gmy judgment that I have executed, and gmy hand that I have laid on them. 22 hThe house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God, from that day forward. 23 And ithe nations shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity, because they dealt so treacherously with me that jI hid my face from them and kgave them into the hand of their adversaries, and they all fell by the sword. 24 I dealt with them laccording to their uncleanness and their transgressions, and hid my face from them.

25 Therefore thus says the Lord God: Now mI will restore the fortunes of Jacob and have mercy on nthe whole house of Israel, and oI will be jealous for my holy name. 26 They shall pforget their shame and all the treachery they have practiced against me, when qthey dwell securely in their land with rnone to make them afraid, 27 swhen I have brought them back from the peoples and gathered them from their enemies’ lands, tand through them have vindicated my holiness in the sight of many nations. 28 hThen they shall know that I am the Lord their God, because I sent them into exile among the nations and then assembled them into their own land. I will leave none of them remaining among the nations anymore. 29 uAnd I will not hide my face anymore from them, when vI pour out my Spirit upon the house of Israel, declares the Lord God.

wIn the twenty-fifth year xof our exile, at the beginning of the year, on the tenth day of the month, yin the fourteenth year after the city was struck down, on that very day, zthe hand of the Lord was upon me, and he brought me to the city.28 In avisions of God he brought me to the land of Israel, and set me down on ba very high mountain, on which was a structure like a city to the south. When he brought me there, behold, there was ca man whose appearance was dlike bronze, with ea linen cord and fa measuring reed in his hand. And he was standing in the gateway. And the man said to me, gSon of man, hlook with your eyes, and hhear with your ears, and set your heart upon all that I shall show you, for you were brought here in order that I might show it to you. iDeclare all that you see to the house of Israel.

And behold, there was ja wall all around the outside of the temple area, and the length of the measuring reed in the man’s hand was six long cubits, keach being a cubit and a handbreadth29 in length. So he measured the thickness of the wall, one reed; and the height, one reed. Then he went into lthe gateway facing east, mgoing up its steps, and measured the threshold of the gate, one reed deep.30 And nthe side rooms, one reed long and one reed broad; and the space between the side rooms, five cubits; and the threshold of the gate by the vestibule of the gate at the inner end, one reed. Then he measured the vestibule of the gateway, on the inside, one reed. Then he measured the vestibule of the gateway, eight cubits; oand its jambs, two cubits; and the vestibule of the gate was at the inner end. 10 And there were three side rooms on either side of the east gate. pThe three were of the same size, and the jambs on either side were of the same size. 11 Then he measured the width of the opening of the gateway, ten cubits; and the length of the gateway, thirteen cubits. 12 There was a barrier before the side rooms, one cubit on either side. And the side rooms were six cubits on either side. 13 Then he measured the gate from the ceiling of the one side room to the ceiling of the other, a breadth of twenty-five cubits; the openings faced each other. 14 He measured also qthe vestibule, sixty cubits. And around the vestibule of the gateway was the court.31 15 From the front of the gate at the entrance to the front of the inner vestibule of the gate was fifty cubits. 16 And the gateway had rwindows all around, narrowing inwards toward the side rooms and toward their sjambs, and likewise the vestibule had windows all around inside, and on the jambs were tpalm trees.

17 Then he brought me into uthe outer court. And behold, there were vchambers and a wpavement, all around the court. xThirty chambers faced the pavement. 18 And the pavement ran along the side of the gates, corresponding to the length of the gates. This was the lower pavement. 19 Then he measured the distance from the inner front of the lower gate to the outer front of the inner court,32 a hundred cubits on the east side and on the north side.33

20 As for ythe gate that faced toward the north, belonging to uthe outer court, he measured its length and its breadth. 21 Its nside rooms, three on either side, and its jambs and its vestibule were of the same size as those of zthe first gate. Its length was afifty cubits, and its breadth btwenty-five cubits. 22 And cits windows, its vestibule, and cits palm trees were of the same size as those of the gate that faced toward the east. And by seven steps dpeople would go up to it, and find its vestibule before them. 23 And opposite the gate on the north, as on the east, was a gate to ethe inner court. And fhe measured from gate to gate, a hundred cubits.

24 And he led me toward the south, and behold, there was a gate on the south. And ghe measured its jambs and its vestibule; they had the same size as the others. 25 Both it and its vestibule hhad windows all around, like the windows of the others. Its length was fifty cubits, and its breadth twenty-five cubits. 26 And there were seven steps leading up to it, and its vestibule was before them, and it had ipalm trees on its jambs, one on either side. 27 And there was a gate on the south of jthe inner court. And he measured from gate to gate toward the south, a hundred cubits.

28 Then he brought me to jthe inner court through the south gate, and khe measured the south gate. It was of the same size as the others. 29 Its lside rooms, its jambs, and its vestibule were of the same size as the others, and both it and its vestibule mhad windows all around. mIts length was fifty cubits, and its breadth twenty-five cubits. 30 And there were vestibules all around, twenty-five cubits long and five cubits broad. 31 Its vestibule faced the outer court, and ipalm trees were on its jambs, and nits stairway had eight steps.

32 Then he brought me to the inner court on the east side, and ohe measured the gate. It was of the same size as the others. 33 Its side rooms, its jambs, and its vestibule were of the same size as the others, and both it and its vestibule had windows all around. Its length was fifty cubits, and its breadth twenty-five cubits. 34 pIts vestibule faced the outer court, and it had palm trees on its jambs, on either side, and its stairway had eight steps.

35 Then he brought me to qthe north gate, and rhe measured it. It had the same size as the others. 36 Its side rooms, its jambs, and its vestibule were of the same size as the others,34 and it had windows all around. Its length was fifty cubits, and its breadth twenty-five cubits. 37 Its vestibule35 faced the outer court, and it had palm trees on its jambs, on either side, and its stairway had eight steps.

38 There was sa chamber with its door in the vestibule of the gate,36 twhere the burnt offering was to be washed. 39 And in the vestibule of the gate were two utables on either side, on which the vburnt offering and the wsin offering and the xguilt offering were to be slaughtered. 40 And off to the side, on the outside as one goes up to the entrance of the north gate, were two tables; and off to the other side of the vestibule of the gate were two tables. 41 yFour tables were on either side of the gate, eight tables, zon which to slaughter. 42 And there were four tables aof hewn stone for the burnt offering, a cubit and a half long, and a cubit and a half broad, and one cubit high, on which the instruments were to be laid with which the vburnt offerings and the sacrifices were slaughtered. 43 And hooks,37 a handbreadth long, were fastened all around within. And on the tables the flesh of the offering was to be laid.

44 On the outside of the inner gateway there were two bchambers38 in the cinner court, one39 at the side of the north gate facing south, the other at the side of the south40 gate facing north. 45 And he said to me, This chamber that faces south is for the priests dwho have charge of the temple, 46 and the chamber that faces north is for the priests ewho have charge of the altar. These are fthe sons of Zadok, who alone41 among the sons of Levi may come gnear to the Lord to minister to him. 47 And he measured the court, ha hundred cubits long and ha hundred cubits broad, a square. And ithe altar was in front of the temple.

48 Then he brought me to jthe vestibule of the temple and measured the kjambs of the vestibule, five cubits on either side. And the breadth of the gate was fourteen cubits, and the sidewalls of the gate42 were three cubits on either side. 49 lThe length of the vestibule was twenty cubits, and the breadth twelve43 cubits, and people would go up to it by ten steps.44 And there were pillars beside the jambs, one on either side.

Then he brought me to mthe nave and measured the njambs. On each side six cubits45 was the breadth of the jambs.46 And the breadth of the entrance was ten cubits, and the sidewalls of the entrance were five cubits on either side. And he measured the length of the nave,47 oforty cubits, and its breadth, ptwenty cubits. Then he went qinto the inner room and measured the jambs of the entrance, two cubits; and the entrance, six cubits; and the sidewalls on either side48 of the entrance, seven cubits. And he measured rthe length of the room, twenty cubits, and its breadth, twenty cubits, across sthe nave. And he said to me, This is tthe Most Holy Place.

Then he measured the wall of the temple, six cubits thick, and the breadth of uthe side chambers, four cubits, uall around the temple. And the side chambers were in three stories, one over another, vthirty in each story. There were offsets49 all around the wall of the temple to serve as supports for the side chambers, wso that they should not be supported by the wall of the temple. And it became broader as it wound upward to the side chambers, because the temple was enclosed upward all around the temple. Thus the temple had a broad area upward, and xso one went up from the lowest story to the top story through the middle story. I saw also that the temple had a raised platform all around; the foundations of the side chambers measured a full reed of ysix long cubits. The thickness of the outer wall of the side chambers was five cubits. zThe free space between the side chambers of the temple and the 10 aother chambers was a breadth of btwenty cubits all around the temple on every side. 11 And the doors of the cside chambers opened on dthe free space, one door toward the north, and another door toward the south. And the breadth of the free space was five cubits all around.

12 The building that was facing ethe separate yard on the west side was seventy cubits broad, and the wall of the building was five cubits thick all around, and its length ninety cubits.

13 Then he measured the temple, fa hundred cubits long; and the yard and the building with its walls, a hundred cubits long; 14 also the breadth of the east front of the temple and the yard, a hundred cubits.

15 Then he measured the length of gthe building facing the yard that was at the back and hits galleries50 on either side, a hundred cubits.

The inside of the nave and the vestibules of the court, 16 ithe thresholds and jthe narrow windows and the galleries all around the three of them, opposite the threshold, were paneled with wood all around, from the floor up to the windows (now the windows were covered), 17 to the space above the door, even to the inner room, and on the outside. And on all the walls all around, inside and outside, was a measured pattern.51 18 It was carved of kcherubim and lpalm trees, a palm tree between cherub and cherub. Every cherub had two faces: 19 ma human face toward the palm tree on the one side, and the face of a young lion toward the palm tree on the other side. They were carved on the whole temple all around. 20 From the floor to above the door, cherubim and palm trees were carved; similarly the wall of the nave.

21 The doorposts of nthe nave were squared, and in front of othe Holy Place was something resembling 22 pan altar of wood, three cubits high, two cubits long, and two cubits broad.52 Its corners, its base,53 and its walls were of wood. He said to me, This is qthe table that is before the Lord. 23 The nave and the Holy Place had each ra double door. 24 The double doors had two leaves apiece, stwo swinging leaves for each door. 25 And on the doors of the nave were carved cherubim and palm trees, tsuch as were carved on the walls. And there was ua canopy54 of wood in front of vthe vestibule outside. 26 And there were jnarrow windows and palm trees on either side, on the sidewalls of the vestibule, wthe side chambers of the temple, and the ucanopies.

Then he led me out into xthe outer court, ytoward the north, and he brought me to xthe chambers that were opposite zthe separate yard and opposite athe building on the north. The length of the building whose door faced north was ba hundred cubits,55 and cthe breadth fifty cubits. Facing dthe twenty cubits that belonged to the inner court, and facing ethe pavement that belonged to the outer court, was fgallery56 against gallery in three stories. And gbefore the chambers was a passage inward, ten cubits wide and ha hundred cubits long,57 and gtheir doors were on the north. Now the upper chambers were narrower, for the galleries took more away from them than from the lower and middle chambers of the building. For they were in three stories, and they had no pillars like the pillars of the courts. Thus the upper chambers were set back from the ground more than the lower and the middle ones. And ithere was a wall outside parallel to the chambers, toward the outer court, opposite the chambers, jfifty cubits long. For the chambers on the outer court were fifty cubits long, while those opposite kthe nave58 were la hundred cubits long. Below these chambers was man entrance on the east side, as one enters them from the outer court.

10 In the thickness of nthe wall of the court, on the south59 also, opposite othe yard and opposite othe building, there were pchambers 11 with qa passage in front of them. They were similar to the chambers on the north, of the same length and breadth, with the same exits60 and arrangements and qdoors, 12 as were the entrances of the chambers on the south. There was an entrance at the beginning of the passage, the passage before nthe corresponding wall on the east as one enters them.61

13 Then he said to me, The north chambers and the south chambers opposite othe yard are the holy chambers, rwhere the priests who approach the Lord sshall eat the tmost holy offerings. There they shall put the most holy offeringstthe grain offering, uthe sin offering, and uthe guilt offeringfor the place is holy. 14 When the priests enter the Holy Place, they shall not go out of it into the outer court vwithout laying there the garments in which they minister, for these are holy. vThey shall put on other garments before they go near to that which is for the people.

15 Now when he had finished measuring the interior of the temple area, he led me out by wthe gate that faced east, and measured the temple area all around. 16 He measured the east side with xthe measuring reed, 500 cubits by the measuring reed all around. 17 He measured the north side, 500 cubits by the measuring reed all around. 18 He measured the south side, 500 cubits by the measuring reed. 19 Then he turned to the west side and measured, 500 cubits by the measuring reed. 20 He measured it on the four sides. It had ya wall around it, z500 cubits long and z500 cubits broad, ato make a separation between the holy and the common.

Then he led me to bthe gate, the gate facing east. And behold, cthe glory of the God of Israel was coming from the east. And dthe sound of his coming was like the sound of many waters, and ethe earth shone with his glory. And fthe vision I saw was just like the vision that I had seen gwhen he62 came to destroy the city, and just like hthe vision that I had seen iby the Chebar canal. And jI fell on my face. As cthe glory of the Lord kentered the temple by the gate facing east, lthe Spirit lifted me up and brought me into mthe inner court; and behold, nthe glory of the Lord filled the temple.

oWhile the man was standing beside me, pI heard one speaking to me out of the temple, and he said to me, qSon of man, this is rthe place of my throne and sthe place of the soles of my feet, twhere I will dwell in the midst of the people of Israel forever. And the house of Israel shall no more udefile my holy name, neither they, nor their kings, by their whoring and by the dead bodies63 of their kings at their high places,64 by setting their threshold by my threshold and their doorposts beside my doorposts, with vonly a wall between me and them. They have wdefiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed, so I have consumed them in my anger. Now let them put away their whoring and the dead bodies of their kings far from me, tand I will dwell in their midst forever.

10 As for you, qson of man, xdescribe to the house of Israel the temple, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities; and they shall measure the plan. 11 And if they are ashamed of all that they have done, xmake known to them the design of the temple, its arrangement, yits exits and its entrances, that is, its whole design; and make known to them as well all its statutes and its whole design and all its laws, and write it down zin their sight, so that they may observe all its laws and all its statutes and carry them out. 12 This is the law of the temple: the whole territory on the top of athe mountain ball around shall be most holy. Behold, this is the law of the temple.

13 These are the measurements of cthe altar by cubits (the cubit being da cubit and a handbreadth):65 its base shall be one cubit high66 and one cubit broad, with a rim of one span67 around its edge. And this shall be the height of the altar: 14 from the base on the ground to the lower ledge, two cubits, with a breadth of one cubit; and from the smaller ledge to the larger ledge, four cubits, with a breadth of one cubit; 15 and the altar hearth, four cubits; and from the altar hearth projecting upward, efour horns. 16 The altar hearth shall be fsquare, twelve cubits long by twelve broad. 17 The ledge also shall be square, fourteen cubits long by fourteen broad, with a rim around it half a cubit broad, and its base one cubit all around. gThe steps of the altar shall face east.

18 And he said to me, hSon of man, thus says the Lord God: These are the ordinances for the altar: On the day when it is erected for offering burnt offerings upon it and ifor throwing blood against it, 19 you shall give to jthe Levitical priests kof the family of Zadok, who draw near to me to minister to me, declares the Lord God, la bull from the herd for a sin offering. 20 And myou shall take some of its blood and put it on ethe four horns of the altar and on the four corners of the ledge and upon nthe rim all around. oThus you shall purify the altar and make atonement for it. 21 You shall also take the bull of the sin offering, and pit shall be burned in the appointed place belonging to the temple, outside the sacred area. 22 And on the second day you shall offer a male goat without blemish for a sin offering; and the altar shall be purified, as it was purified with the bull. 23 When you have finished opurifying it, you shall offer a bull from the herd without blemish and qa ram from the flock without blemish. 24 You shall present them before the Lord, and the priests rshall sprinkle salt on them and offer them up as a burnt offering to the Lord. 25 sFor seven days you shall provide daily a male goat for a sin offering; also, a bull from the herd and a ram from the flock, without blemish, shall be provided. 26 Seven days shall they make atonement for the altar and cleanse it, and so consecrate it.68 27 And when they have completed these days, then tfrom the eighth day onward the priests shall offer on the altar your burnt offerings and your upeace offerings, and vI will accept you, declares the Lord God.

Then he brought me wback to the outer gate of the sanctuary, xwhich faces east. And it was shut. And the Lord said to me, This gate shall remain shut; it shall not be opened, and no one shall enter by it, for ythe Lord, the God of Israel, has entered by it. Therefore it shall remain shut. Only zthe prince may sit in it ato eat bread before the Lord. He bshall enter by way of the vestibule of the gate, and shall go out by the same way.

Then he brought me by way of cthe north gate to the front of the temple, and I looked, and behold, dthe glory of the Lord filled the temple of the Lord. And eI fell on my face. And the Lord said to me, fSon of man, mark well, gsee with your eyes, gand hear with your ears all that I shall tell you concerning hall the statutes of the temple of the Lord and all its laws. And mark well hthe entrance to the temple and all the exits from the sanctuary. And say to ithe rebellious house,69 to the jhouse of Israel, Thus says the Lord God: O house of Israel, kenough of all your abominations, in ladmitting foreigners, muncircumcised in heart and flesh, to be in my sanctuary, nprofaning my temple, when you offer to me my food, the fat and the blood. You70 have broken my covenant, in addition to all your abominations. And oyou have not kept charge of my holy things, but you have set others to keep my charge for you in my sanctuary.

Thus says the Lord God: pNo foreigner, uncircumcised in heart and flesh, of all the foreigners who are among the people of Israel, shall enter my sanctuary. 10 But qthe Levites who went far from me, going astray from me after their idols rwhen Israel went astray, sshall bear their punishment.71 11 They shall be tministers in my sanctuary, having oversight uat the gates of the temple and ministering in the temple. They shall slaughter the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people, and vthey shall stand before the people, to minister to them. 12 Because they ministered to them before their idols and became wa stumbling block of iniquity to the house of Israel, therefore I have xsworn concerning them, declares the Lord God, and they shall bear their punishment. 13 They yshall not come near to me, to serve me as priest, nor come near any of my holy things and the things that are most holy, but zthey shall bear their shame and the abominations that they have committed. 14 Yet I will appoint them to keep acharge of the temple, bto do all its service and all that is to be done in it.

15 But cthe Levitical priests, cthe sons of Zadok, who kept athe charge of my sanctuary rwhen the people of Israel went astray from me, shall come near to me dto minister to me. And they shall stand before me to offer me ethe fat and the blood, declares the Lord God. 16 They shall enter my sanctuary, and they shall approach fmy table, to minister to me, and they shall keep my charge. 17 When they enter the gates of the inner court, they shall wear glinen garments. They shall have nothing of wool on them, while they minister at the gates of the inner court, and within. 18 They shall have linen turbans on their heads, and linen undergarments around their waists. They shall not bind themselves with anything that causes sweat. 19 And when they go out into the outer court to the people, they shall put off the garments in which they have been ministering hand lay them in the holy chambers. And ithey shall put on other garments, jlest they transmit holiness to the people with their garments. 20 kThey shall not shave their heads or llet their locks grow long; they shall surely trim the hair of their heads. 21 mNo priest shall drink wine when he enters the inner court. 22 nThey shall not marry a widow or a divorced woman, but only virgins of the offspring of the house of Israel, or a widow who is the widow of a priest. 23 oThey shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the common, and oshow them how to distinguish between the unclean and the clean. 24 pIn a dispute, they shall act as judges, and they shall judge it according to my judgments. They shall keep my laws and my statutes in all my appointed feasts, and qthey shall keep my Sabbaths holy. 25 rThey shall not defile themselves by going near to a dead person. However, for father or mother, for son or daughter, for brother or unmarried sister they may defile themselves. 26 sAfter he72 has become clean, they shall count seven days for him. 27 And on the day that he goes into the Holy Place, tinto the inner court, to minister in the Holy Place, uhe shall offer his sin offering, declares the Lord God.

28 vThis shall be their inheritance: I am their inheritance: and wyou shall give them no possession in Israel; I am their possession. 29 xThey shall eat the grain offering, the sin offering, and the guilt offering, and yevery devoted thing in Israel shall be theirs. 30 zAnd the first of all the firstfruits of all kinds, and every offering of all kinds from all your offerings, shall belong to the priests. aYou shall also give to the priests the first of your dough, bthat a blessing may rest on your house. 31 cThe priests shall not eat of danything, whether bird or beast, that has died of itself or is torn by wild animals.

When eyou allot the land as an inheritance, fyou shall set apart for the Lord a portion of the land as a holy district, 25,000 cubits73 long and 20,00074 cubits broad. It shall be holy throughout its whole extent. gOf this a square plot of 500 by 500 cubits shall be for the sanctuary, with fifty cubits for han open space around it. And ifrom this measured district you shall measure off a section 25,000 cubits long and 10,000 broad, jin which shall be the sanctuary, kthe Most Holy Place. lIt shall be the holy portion of the land. It shall be for the priests, who minister in the sanctuary and approach the Lord to minister to him, and it shall be a place for their houses and a holy place for the sanctuary. mAnother section, 25,000 cubits long and 10,000 cubits broad, shall be for the Levites who minister at the temple, as their possession for cities to live in.75

Alongside the portion set apart as the holy district nyou shall assign for the property of the city an area 5,000 cubits broad and 25,000 cubits long. oIt shall belong to the whole house of Israel.

pAnd to qthe prince shall belong the land on both sides of the holy district and the property of the city, alongside the holy district and the property of the city, on the west and on the east, corresponding in length to one of the tribal portions, and extending from the western to the eastern boundary of the land. It is to be his property in Israel. And rmy princes shall no more oppress my people, but sthey shall let the house of Israel have the land according to their tribes.

Thus says the Lord God: tEnough, O princes of Israel! Put away violence and oppression, and execute justice and righteousness. Cease uyour evictions of my people, declares the Lord God.

10 vYou shall have just balances, a just ephah, and a just bath.76 11 The ephah and the bath shall be wof the same measure, xthe bath containing one tenth of a homer,77 and the ephah one tenth of a homer; the homer shall be the standard measure. 12 yThe shekel shall be twenty gerahs;78 twenty shekels plus twenty-five shekels plus fifteen shekels shall be your mina.79

13 zThis is the offering that you shall make: one sixth of an ephah from each homer of wheat, and one sixth of an ephah from each homer of barley, 14 and as the fixed portion of oil, measured in baths, one tenth of a bath from each cor80 (the cor, like the homer, contains aten baths).81 15 And one sheep from every flock of two hundred, from the watering places of Israel for grain offering, burnt offering, and peace offerings, bto make atonement for them, declares the Lord God. 16 All the people of the land shall be obliged to give this offering to the prince in Israel. 17 cIt shall be the prince’s duty to furnish the burnt offerings, grain offerings, and drink offerings, at the feasts, the new moons, and the Sabbaths, all the appointed feasts of the house of Israel: he shall provide the sin offerings, grain offerings, burnt offerings, and peace offerings, to make atonement on behalf of the house of Israel.

18 Thus says the Lord God: In the first month, don the first day of the month, you shall take a bull from the herd without blemish, and epurify the sanctuary. 19 fThe priest shall take some of the blood of the sin offering and put it gon the doorposts of the temple, the four corners of the ledge of the altar, and the posts of the gate of the inner court. 20 You shall do the same on the seventh day of the month for anyone who has sinned through error or ignorance; so you shall make atonement for the temple.

21 hIn the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, you shall celebrate the Feast of the Passover, and for seven days unleavened bread shall be eaten. 22 On that day the prince ishall provide for himself and all the people of the land a young bull for a sin offering. 23 And on jthe seven days of the festival he shall provide as a burnt offering to the Lord seven young bulls and seven rams without blemish, on each of the seven days; and ka male goat daily for a sin offering. 24 And lhe shall provide as ma grain offering an ephah for each bull, an ephah for each ram, and a hin82 of oil to each ephah. 25 nIn the seventh month, on the fifteenth day of the month and for the seven days of the feast, ohe shall make the same provision for sin offerings, burnt offerings, and grain offerings, and for the oil.

Thus says the Lord God: pThe gate of qthe inner court that faces east shall be shut on the six working days, but on the Sabbath day it shall be opened, and ron the day of the new moon it shall be opened. sThe prince shall enter by the vestibule of the gate from outside, and shall take his stand by tthe post of the gate. uThe priests shall offer his burnt offering and his peace offerings, and he shall worship at vthe threshold of the gate. Then he shall go out, but the gate shall not be shut until evening. wThe people of the land shall bow down at the entrance of that gate before the Lord on the Sabbaths and on the new moons. xThe burnt offering that the prince offers to the Lord yon the Sabbath day shall be six lambs without blemish and a ram without blemish. And zthe grain offering with the ram shall be an ephah,83 and the grain offering with the lambs shall be aas much as he is able, together with a hin84 of oil to each ephah. On the day of the new moon he shall offer a bull from the herd without blemish, and six lambs and a ram, which shall be without blemish. As a grain offering he shall provide an ephah with the bull and an ephah with the ram, and with the lambs bas much as he is able, together with a hin of oil to each ephah. cWhen the prince enters, he shall enter by the vestibule of the gate, and he shall go out by the same way.

dWhen the people of the land ecome before the Lord at the appointed feasts, he who enters by the north gate to worship shall go out by the south gate, and he who enters by the south gate shall go out by the north gate: no one shall return by way of the gate by which he entered, but each shall go out straight ahead. 10 When they enter, fthe prince shall enter with them, and when they go out, he shall go out.

11 At the feasts and the appointed festivals, zthe grain offering with a young bull shall be an ephah, and with a ram an ephah, and with the lambs bas much as one is able to give, together with a hin of oil to an ephah. 12 When the prince provides ga freewill offering, either a burnt offering or peace offerings as a freewill offering to the Lord, hthe gate facing east shall be opened for him. And he shall offer his burnt offering or his peace offerings ias he does on the Sabbath day. Then he shall go out, and after he has gone out the gate shall be shut.

13 jYou shall provide a lamb a year old without blemish for a burnt offering to the Lord daily; morning by morning you shall provide it. 14 And kyou shall provide a grain offering with it morning by morning, one sixth of an ephah, and one third of a hin of oil to moisten the flour, as a grain offering to the Lord. This is a perpetual statute. 15 Thus the lamb and the meal offering and the oil shall be provided, morning by morning, for la regular burnt offering.

16 Thus says the Lord God: If the prince makes a gift to any of his sons as his inheritance, it shall belong to his sons. It is their property by inheritance. 17 But if he makes a gift mout of his inheritance to one of his servants, it shall be his to nthe year of liberty. Then it shall revert to the prince; surely it is his inheritanceit shall belong to his sons. 18 oThe prince shall not take any of the inheritance of the people, pthrusting them out of their property. He shall give his sons their inheritance out of his own property, so that none of my people shall be qscattered from his property.

19 Then he brought me through the entrance, which was rat the side of the gate, to the north row of sthe holy chambers for the priests, and behold, a place was there at the extreme western end of them. 20 And he said to me, This is the place where the priests tshall boil the guilt offering and the sin offering, and where uthey shall bake the grain offering, in order not to bring them out into the outer court and so vtransmit holiness to the people.

21 Then he brought me out to the outer court and led me around to the four corners of the court. And behold, in each corner of the court there was another court 22 in the four corners of the court were small85 courts, forty cubits86 long and thirty broad; the four were of the same size. 23 On the inside, around each of the four courts was a row of masonry, with hearths made at the bottom of the rows all around. 24 Then he said to me, These are the kitchens where those who wminister at the temple tshall boil the sacrifices of the people.

Then he brought me back to xthe door of the temple, and behold, ywater was issuing from below zthe threshold of the temple toward the east (for the temple faced east). The water was flowing down from below the south end of the threshold of the temple, south of athe altar. Then he brought me out by way of bthe north gate and led me around on the outside to cthe outer gate that faces toward the east; and behold, the water was trickling out on the south side.

Going on eastward with a measuring line in his hand, dthe man measured a thousand cubits,87 and then led me through the water, and it was ankle-deep. Again he measured a thousand, and led me through the water, and it was knee-deep. Again he measured a thousand, and led me through the water, and it was waist-deep. Again he measured a thousand, and it was a river that I could not pass through, for the water had risen. It was deep enough to swim in, a river that could not be passed through. And he said to me, eSon of man, fhave you seen this?

Then he led me back to the bank of the river. As I went back, I saw on the bank of the river gvery many trees on the one side and on the other. And he said to me, This water flows toward the eastern region and goes down into hthe Arabah, and enters the sea;88 when the water flows into ithe sea, the water will become fresh.89 And wherever the river goes,90 every living creature that swarms will live, and there will be very many fish. For this water goes there, that the waters of the sea91 may become fresh; so everything will live where the river goes. 10 Fishermen will stand beside the sea. From jEngedi to kEneglaim it will be a place for the spreading of nets. Its fish will be of very many kinds, like the fish of lthe Great Sea.92 11 But its swamps and marshes will not become fresh; they are to be left for salt. 12 And on the banks, mon both sides of the river, there will grow nall kinds of trees for food. oTheir leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, pbut they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and ptheir leaves for healing.

13 Thus says the Lord God: This is the boundary93 by which qyou shall divide the land for inheritance among the twelve tribes of Israel. rJoseph shall have two portions. 14 And you shall divide equally what sI swore tto give to your fathers. uThis land shall fall to you as your inheritance.

15 This shall be the boundary of the land: On the north side, from lthe Great Sea vby way of Hethlon to Lebo-hamath, and on to wZedad,94 16 xBerothah, Sibraim (which lies on the border between yDamascus and vHamath), as far as Hazer-hatticon, which is on the border of Hauran. 17 So the boundary shall run from the sea to zHazar-enan, which is on the northern border of Damascus, with the border of Hamath to the north.95 This shall be the north side.96

18 On the east side, the boundary shall run between Hauran and Damascus; along the Jordan between aGilead and the land of Israel; to bthe eastern sea and as far as Tamar.97 This shall be the east side.

19 On the south side, it shall run from cTamar as far as dthe waters of Meribah-kadesh, from there along ethe Brook of Egypt98 to fthe Great Sea. This shall be the south side.

20 On the west side, the Great Sea shall be the boundary to a point vopposite Lebo-hamath. This shall be the west side.

21 gSo you shall divide this land among you according to the tribes of Israel. 22 hYou shall allot it as an inheritance for yourselves and ifor the sojourners who reside among you and have had children among you. jThey shall be to you as native-born children of Israel. With you they shall be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel. 23 In whatever tribe the sojourner resides, there you shall assign him his inheritance, declares the Lord God.

These are the names of the tribes: Beginning at the northern extreme, beside kthe way of Hethlon lto Lebo-hamath, as far as mHazar-enan (which is on the northern border of nDamascus over against Hamath), and extending99 from the east side to the west,100 oDan, one portion. Adjoining the territory of Dan, from the east side to the west, oAsher, one portion. Adjoining the territory of Asher, from the east side to the west, oNaphtali, one portion. Adjoining the territory of Naphtali, from the east side to the west, Manasseh, one portion. Adjoining the territory of Manasseh, from the east side to the west, Ephraim, one portion. Adjoining the territory of Ephraim, from the east side to the west, Reuben, one portion. Adjoining the territory of Reuben, from the east side to the west, Judah, one portion.

Adjoining the territory of Judah, from the east side to the west, shall be pthe portion which you shall set apart, 25,000 cubits101 in breadth, and in length equal to one of the tribal portions, from the east side to the west, with qthe sanctuary in the midst of it. The portion that you shall set apart for the Lord shall be 25,000 cubits in length, and 20,000102 in breadth. 10 rThese shall be the allotments of the holy portion: the priests shall have an allotment measuring 25,000 cubits on the northern side, 10,000 cubits in breadth on the western side, 10,000 in breadth on the eastern side, and 25,000 in length on the southern side, with the sanctuary of the Lord in the midst of it. 11 This shall be for sthe consecrated priests, tthe sons of Zadok, who kept my charge, who did not go astray when the people of Israel went astray, uas the Levites did. 12 And it shall belong to them as a special portion from the holy portion of the land, a most holy place, adjoining the territory of the Levites. 13 vAnd alongside the territory of the priests, the Levites shall have an allotment 25,000 cubits in length and 10,000 in breadth. The whole length shall be 25,000 cubits and the breadth 20,000.103 14 They wshall not sell or exchange any of it. They shall not alienate xthis choice portion of the land, for it is holy to the Lord.

15 yThe remainder, 5,000 cubits in breadth and 25,000 in length, shall be zfor common use for the city, for dwellings and for aopen country. In the midst of it shall be the city, 16 and these shall be its measurements: bthe north side 4,500 cubits, the south side 4,500, the east side 4,500, and the west side 4,500. 17 And the city shall have open land: on the north 250 cubits, on the south 250, on the east 250, and on the west 250. 18 The remainder of the length alongside the holy portion shall be 10,000 cubits to the east, and 10,000 to the west, and it shall be alongside the holy portion. cIts produce shall be food for the workers of the city. 19 And the workers of the city, from all the tribes of Israel, shall till it. 20 The whole portion that dyou shall set apart shall be 25,000 cubits square, that is, the holy portion together with the property of the city.

21 eWhat remains on both sides of the holy portion and of the property of the city shall belong to the prince. Extending from the 25,000 cubits of the holy portion to the east border, and westward from the 25,000 cubits to the west border, parallel to the tribal portions, it shall belong to the prince. fThe holy portion with the sanctuary of the temple shall be in its midst. 22 It shall be separate from the property of the Levites and the property of the city, which are in the midst of that which belongs to the prince. The portion of the prince shall lie between the territory of Judah and the territory of Benjamin.

23 As for the rest of the tribes: from the east side to the west, Benjamin, one portion. 24 Adjoining the territory of Benjamin, from the east side to the west, Simeon, one portion. 25 Adjoining the territory of Simeon, from the east side to the west, Issachar, one portion. 26 Adjoining the territory of Issachar, from the east side to the west, Zebulun, one portion. 27 Adjoining the territory of Zebulun, from the east side to the west, Gad, one portion. 28 And adjoining the territory of Gad to the south, the boundary shall run gfrom Tamar to the waters of gMeribah-kadesh, from there along the Brook of Egypt104 to hthe Great Sea.105 29 This is the land that iyou shall allot as an inheritance among the tribes of Israel, and these are their portions, declares the Lord God.

30 These shall be jthe exits of the city: On the north side, which is to be k4,500 cubits by measure, 31 lthree gates, the gate of mReuben, the gate of mJudah, and the gate of mLevi, the gates of the city being named after the tribes of Israel. 32 On the east side, which is to be 4,500 cubits, three gates, the gate of Joseph, the gate of Benjamin, and the gate of Dan. 33 On the south side, which is to be 4,500 cubits by measure, three gates, the gate of Simeon, the gate of Issachar, and the gate of Zebulun. 34 On the west side, which is to be 4,500 cubits, three gates,106 the gate of Gad, the gate of Asher, and the gate of Naphtali. 35 The circumference of the city shall be 18,000 cubits. And nthe name of the city from that time on shall be, oThe Lord Is There.

In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, with some of the vessels of the house of God. And he brought them to the land of Shinar, to the house of his god, and placed the vessels in the treasury of his god. Then the king commanded Ashpenaz, his chief eunuch, to bring some of the people of Israel, both of the royal family107 and of the nobility, youths without blemish, of good appearance and skillful in all wisdom, endowed with knowledge, understanding learning, and competent to stand in the king’s palace, and to teach them the literature and language of the Chaldeans. The king assigned them a daily portion of the food that the king ate, and of the wine that he drank. They were to be educated for three years, and at the end of that time they were to stand before the king. Among these were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah of the tribe of Judah. And the chief of the eunuchs gave them names: Daniel he called Belteshazzar, Hananiah he called Shadrach, Mishael he called Meshach, and Azariah he called Abednego.

But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king’s food, or with the wine that he drank. Therefore he asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow him not to defile himself. And God gave Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the chief of the eunuchs, 10 and the chief of the eunuchs said to Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who assigned your food and your drink; for why should he see that you were in worse condition than the youths who are of your own age? So you would endanger my head with the king. 11 Then Daniel said to the steward whom the chief of the eunuchs had assigned over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, 12 Test your servants for ten days; let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink. 13 Then let our appearance and the appearance of the youths who eat the king’s food be observed by you, and deal with your servants according to what you see.

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