Song of Solomon 8:7–14

Many waters cannot quench love,

neither can floods drown it.

If a man offered for love

all the wealth of his chouse,

he1 would be utterly despised.


We have a little sister,

and she dhas no breasts.

What shall we do for our sister

on the day when she is spoken for?

If she is a wall,

we will build on her a battlement of silver,

but if she is a door,

we will enclose her with eboards of cedar.


10  fI was a wall,

and my gbreasts were like towers;

then I was in his eyes

as one who finds2 peace.

11  Solomon had ha vineyard at Baal-hamon;

he ilet out the vineyard to jkeepers;

each one was to bring for its fruit ka thousand pieces of silver.

12  My vineyard, my very own, is before me;

you, O Solomon, may have the thousand,

and lthe keepers of the fruit two hundred.


13  mO you who dwell in the gardens,

with ncompanions listening for your voice;

olet me hear it.


14  pMake haste, my beloved,

and be qlike a gazelle

or a young stag

on rthe mountains of spices.

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2 View All Leviticus 19:27