Romans 10:5

For fMoses writes about the righteousness that is based on the law, that gthe person who does the commandments shall live by them.

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Leviticus 18:5
You shall therefore keep my statutes and my rules; if a person does them, he shall live by them: I am the LORD.

Nehemiah 9:29
And you warned them in order to turn them back to your law. Yet they acted presumptuously and did not obey your commandments, but sinned against your rules, which if a person does them, he shall live by them, and they turned a stubborn shoulder and stiffened their neck and would not obey.

Ezekiel 20:11
I gave them my statutes and made known to them my rules, by which, if a person does them, he shall live.

Ezekiel 20:13
But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness. They did not walk in my statutes but rejected my rules, by which, if a person does them, he shall live; and my Sabbaths they greatly profaned. “Then I said I would pour out my wrath upon them in the wilderness, to make a full end of them.

Ezekiel 20:21
But the children rebelled against me. They did not walk in my statutes and were not careful to obey my rules, by which, if a person does them, he shall live; they profaned my Sabbaths. “Then I said I would pour out my wrath upon them and spend my anger against them in the wilderness.

Matthew 19:17
And he said to him, “Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. If you would enter life, keep the commandments.”

Luke 10:28
And he said to him, “You have answered correctly; do this, and you will live.”

Galatians 3:12
But the law is not of faith, rather “The one who does them shall live by them.”

Romans 7:10
The very commandment that promised life proved to be death to me.

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