1 gOh give thanks to the Lord, hfor he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever!
2 Let ithe redeemed of the Lord say so,
whom he has jredeemed from trouble1
3 and kgathered in from the lands,
from the east and from the west,
from the north and from the south.
4 Some lwandered in desert wastes,
finding no way mto a city to dwell in;
5 hungry and thirsty,
their soul nfainted within them.
6 Then they ocried to the Lord in their trouble,
and he delivered them from their distress.
7 He led them by pa straight way
till they reached ma city to dwell in.
8 qLet them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,
for his wondrous works to the children of man!
9 For he rsatisfies the longing soul,
sand the hungry soul he fills with good things.
10 tSome sat in darkness and in uthe shadow of death,
prisoners in vaffliction and in irons,
11 for they whad rebelled against the words of God,
and xspurned the counsel of the Most High.
12 So he bowed their hearts down with hard labor;
they fell down, ywith none to help.
13 zThen they cried to the Lord in their trouble,
and he delivered them from their distress.
14 He brought them out of adarkness and the shadow of death,
and bburst their bonds apart.
15 cLet them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,
for his wondrous works to the children of man!
16 For he dshatters the doors of bronze
and cuts in two the bars of iron.
17 Some were efools through their sinful ways,
and because of their iniquities suffered affliction;
18 fthey loathed any kind of food,
and they gdrew near to hthe gates of death.
19 iThen they cried to the Lord in their trouble,
and he delivered them from their distress.
20 He jsent out his word and khealed them,
and ldelivered them from their destruction.
21 mLet them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,
for his wondrous works to the children of man!
22 And let them noffer sacrifices of thanksgiving,
23 Some qwent down to the sea in ships,
doing business on the great waters;
24 they saw the deeds of the Lord,
his wondrous works in the deep.
25 For he rcommanded and sraised the stormy wind,
which lifted up the waves of the sea.
26 They mounted up to heaven; they went down to the depths;
their courage tmelted away in their evil plight;
27 they reeled and ustaggered like drunken men
and vwere at their wits’ end.2
28 wThen they cried to the Lord in their trouble,
and he delivered them from their distress.
29 He xmade the storm be still,
and the waves of the sea were hushed.
30 Then they were glad that the waters3 were quiet,
and he brought them to their desired haven.
31 yLet them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,
for his wondrous works to the children of man!
32 Let them zextol him in athe congregation of the people,
and praise him in the assembly of the elders.
33 He bturns rivers into a desert,
springs of water into thirsty ground,
34 ca fruitful land into a salty waste,
because of the evil of its inhabitants.
35 He dturns a desert into pools of water,
ea parched land into springs of water.
36 And there he lets the hungry dwell,
and they establish fa city to live in;
37 they sow fields and plant vineyards
and get a fruitful yield.
38 gBy his blessing they multiply greatly,
and he does not let their livestock diminish.
39 When they are diminished and brought low
through oppression, evil, and sorrow,
40 hhe pours contempt on princes
and imakes them wander jin trackless wastes;
41 but khe raises up the needy out of affliction
and lmakes their families like flocks.
42 mThe upright see it and are glad,
and nall wickedness shuts its mouth.
43 oWhoever is wise, let him attend to these things;
let them consider the steadfast love of the Lord.
A Song. A Psalm of David.
1 pMy heart is steadfast, O God!
I will sing and make melody with all my being!4
2 Awake, O harp and lyre!
I will awake the dawn!
3 I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples;
I will sing praises to you among the nations.
4 For your steadfast love is great qabove the heavens;
your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.
5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens!
Let your glory be over all the earth!
6 rThat your beloved ones may be delivered,
give salvation by your right hand and answer me!
7 God has promised in his holiness:5
“With exultation I will divide up Shechem
and portion out the Valley of Succoth.
8 Gilead is mine; Manasseh is mine;
Ephraim is my helmet,
Judah my scepter.
9 Moab is my washbasin;
upon Edom I cast my shoe;
sover Philistia I shout in triumph.”
10 Who will bring me to the fortified city?
Who will lead me to Edom?
11 Have you not rejected us, O God?
You do not go out, O God, with our armies.
12 Oh grant us help against the foe,
for vain is the salvation of man!
13 With God we shall do valiantly;
it is he who will tread down our foes.
To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.
1 tBe not silent, O uGod of my praise!
2 For wicked and vdeceitful mouths are opened against me,
speaking against me with lying tongues.
3 They encircle me with words of hate,
and attack me wwithout cause.
4 In return for my love they xaccuse me,
but I ygive myself to prayer.6
5 So they zreward me evil for good,
and hatred for my love.
6 aAppoint a wicked man bagainst him;
let an accuser stand cat his right hand.
7 When he is tried, let him come forth guilty;
let his dprayer be counted as sin!
8 May his edays be few;
may fanother take his goffice!
9 May his hchildren be fatherless
and his wife a widow!
10 May his children iwander about and beg,
jseeking food far from the ruins they inhabit!
11 May kthe creditor seize all that he has;
may kstrangers plunder the fruits of his toil!
12 Let there be none to lextend kindness to him,
nor any to mpity his fatherless children!
13 May his nposterity be cut off;
may his oname be blotted out in the second generation!
14 May pthe iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord,
and let not the sin of his mother be qblotted out!
15 rLet them be before the Lord continually,
that he may scut off the memory of them from the earth!
16 For he did not remember to show kindness,
but pursued tthe poor and needy
and uthe brokenhearted, to put them to death.
17 vHe loved to curse; let curses come7 upon him!
He did not delight in blessing; may it be far8 from him!
18 He wclothed himself with cursing as his coat;
may it xsoak9 into his body like water,
like oil into his bones!
19 May it be like a garment that he wraps around him,
like a belt that he puts on every day!
20 May this be the reward of my yaccusers from the Lord,
of those who speak evil against my life!
21 But you, O God my Lord,
deal on my behalf zfor your name’s sake;
because your asteadfast love is good, deliver me!
22 For I am bpoor and needy,
and my heart is stricken within me.
23 I am gone like ca shadow at evening;
I am dshaken off like a locust.
24 My knees are weak ethrough fasting;
my fbody has become gaunt, with no fat.
25 I am gan object of scorn to my accusers;
when they see me, they hwag their heads.
26 iHelp me, O Lord my God!
Save me according to your steadfast love!
27 Let them jknow that this is your hand;
you, O Lord, have done it!
28 kLet them curse, but you will bless!
They arise and are put to shame, but lyour servant will be glad!
29 May my accusers be mclothed with dishonor;
may they nbe wrapped in their own shame as in a cloak!
30 With my mouth I will give great thanks to the Lord;
I will opraise him in the midst of the throng.
31 For he stands pat the right hand of the needy one,
to save him from those who condemn his soul to death.
A Psalm of David.
1 qThe Lord says to my Lord:
r“Sit at my right hand,
2 The Lord sends forth ufrom Zion
vyour mighty scepter.
wRule in the midst of your enemies!
3 xYour people will yoffer themselves freely
from the womb of the morning,
the dew of your youth will be yours.12
and will dnot change his mind,
after the order of hMelchizedek.”
5 The Lord is at your iright hand;
he will jshatter kings on kthe day of his wrath.
6 He will lexecute judgment among the nations,
mfilling them with corpses;
over the wide earth.
7 He will odrink from the brook by the way;
therefore he will lift up his head.
I qwill give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart,
in the company of rthe upright, in the congregation.
2 Great are the sworks of the Lord,
tstudied by all who delight in them.
3 uFull of splendor and majesty is his work,
and his vrighteousness endures forever.
4 He has wcaused his wondrous works to be remembered;
the Lord is gracious and merciful.
5 He provides food for those who fear him;
he xremembers his covenant forever.
6 He has shown his people the power of his works,
in giving them the inheritance of the nations.
7 The works of his hands are faithful and just;
all his precepts are ytrustworthy;
8 they are zestablished forever and ever,
to be performed with afaithfulness and uprightness.
9 He sent bredemption to his people;
he has ccommanded his covenant forever.
dHoly and awesome is his name!
10 eThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
all those who practice it have fa good understanding.
His gpraise endures forever!
iBlessed is the man who fears the Lord,
who jgreatly delights in his commandments!
2 His koffspring will be mighty in the land;
lthe generation of the upright will be blessed.
3 mWealth and riches are in his house,
and his nrighteousness endures forever.
4 Light dawns in the darkness ofor the upright;
he is gracious, merciful, and prighteous.
5 It is well with the man who qdeals generously and lends;
who conducts his affairs with justice.
6 For the righteous will rnever be moved;
she will be remembered forever.
7 He is not tafraid of bad news;
his uheart is firm, vtrusting in the Lord.
8 His heart is steady;16 he will not be afraid,
until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.
9 He has wdistributed freely; he has given to the poor;
his righteousness endures forever;
his xhorn is exalted in honor.
10 The wicked man sees it and is angry;
he ygnashes his teeth and zmelts away;
athe desire of the wicked will perish!
1 bPraise the Lord!
cPraise, O dservants of the Lord,
praise the name of the Lord!
2 eBlessed be the name of the Lord
from this time forth and forevermore!
3 fFrom the rising of the sun to its setting,
4 The Lord is ihigh above all nations,
and his jglory above the heavens!
5 kWho is like the Lord our God,
who is seated on high,
6 who llooks far down
on the heavens and the earth?
7 He mraises the poor from the dust
and lifts the needy from the ash heap,
8 to make them nsit with princes,
with the princes of his people.
9 He ogives the barren woman a home,
making her the joyous mother of children.
bPraise the Lord!
1 When pIsrael went out from Egypt,
the house of Jacob from qa people of strange language,
2 Judah became his rsanctuary,
Israel his dominion.
3 sThe sea looked and fled;
tJordan turned back.
4 uThe mountains skipped like rams,
the hills like lambs.
5 What vails you, O sea, that you flee?
O Jordan, that you turn back?
6 O mountains, that you skip like rams?
O hills, like lambs?
7 wTremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord,
at the presence of the God of Jacob,
8 who turns xthe rock into ya pool of water,
zthe flint into a spring of water.
1 aNot to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory,
bfor the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!
2 Why should the nations say,
c“Where is their God?”
3 dOur God is in the heavens;
ehe does all that he pleases.
4 fTheir idols are silver and gold,
gthe work of human hands.
5 They have mouths, hbut do not speak;
eyes, but do not see.
6 They have ears, but do not hear;
noses, but do not smell.
7 They have hands, but do not feel;
feet, but do not walk;
and they do not make a sound in their throat.
8 iThose who make them become like them;
so do all who trust in them.
9 O jIsrael,17 ktrust in the Lord!
He is their lhelp and their shield.
10 O jhouse of Aaron, trust in the Lord!
He is their help and mtheir shield.
11 You nwho fear the Lord, trust in the Lord!
He is their help and their shield.
12 The Lord has remembered us; he will bless us;
he will bless othe house of Israel;
he will bless othe house of Aaron;
13 he will pbless those who fear the Lord,
qboth the small and the great.
14 May the Lord rgive you increase,
you and your children!
15 May syou be blessed by the Lord,
twho made heaven and earth!
16 The heavens are the Lord’s heavens,
but the earth he has given to the children of man.
17 uThe dead do not praise the Lord,
nor do any who go down into vsilence.
18 But wwe will bless the Lord
from this time forth and forevermore.
xPraise the Lord!
1 I ylove the Lord, because he has zheard
my voice and my pleas for mercy.
2 Because he ainclined his ear to me,
therefore I will call on him as long as I live.
3 bThe snares of death encompassed me;
the pangs of Sheol laid hold on me;
I suffered distress and anguish.
4 Then cI called on the name of the Lord:
“O Lord, I pray, deliver my soul!”
5 dGracious is the Lord, and erighteous;
our God is fmerciful.
6 The Lord preserves gthe simple;
when hI was brought low, he saved me.
7 Return, O my soul, to your irest;
for the Lord has jdealt bountifully with you.
8 For kyou have delivered my soul from death,
my eyes from tears,
my feet from stumbling;
9 I will walk before the Lord
lin the land of the living.
10 mI believed, neven when18 I spoke:
“I am greatly afflicted”;
11 oI said in my alarm,
p“All mankind are liars.”
12 What shall I qrender to the Lord
for all his benefits to me?
13 I will lift up rthe cup of salvation
and scall on the name of the Lord,
14 I will tpay my vows to the Lord
in the presence of all his people.
15 uPrecious in the sight of the Lord
is the death of his vsaints.
16 O Lord, I am your wservant;
I am your servant, xthe son of your maidservant.
You have yloosed my bonds.
17 I will zoffer to you the sacrifice of thanksgiving
and scall on the name of the Lord.
18 I will tpay my vows to the Lord
in the presence of all his people,
19 in athe courts of the house of the Lord,
in your midst, O Jerusalem.
bPraise the Lord!
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