Psalm 105:26–36

26  He gsent Moses, his servant,

and Aaron, hwhom he had chosen.

27  iThey performed his signs among them

and miracles in cthe land of Ham.

28  He jsent darkness, and made the land dark;

they kdid not rebel1 against his words.

29  He turned their waters into blood

and lcaused their fish to die.

30  Their land swarmed with frogs,

even in mthe chambers of their kings.

31  He spoke, and there came nswarms of flies,

oand gnats throughout their country.

32  He gave them hail for rain,

and fiery plightning bolts through their land.

33  He struck down their vines and fig trees,

and qshattered the trees of their country.

34  He spoke, and the rlocusts came,

young locusts without number,

35  which devoured all the vegetation in their land

and ate up the fruit of their ground.

36  He sstruck down all the firstborn in their land,

sthe firstfruits of all their strength.

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2 View All Leviticus 19:27