Proverbs 19:1–14

aBetter is a poor person who bwalks in his integrity

than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool.

Desire1 without knowledge is not good,

and whoever cmakes haste with his feet misses his way.

When a man’s folly dbrings his way to ruin,

his heart erages against the Lord.

fWealth brings many new friends,

fbut a poor man is deserted by his friend.

gA false witness will not go unpunished,

and he who hbreathes out lies will not escape.

Many seek the favor of a generous man,2

and everyone is a friend to a man who gives igifts.

jAll a poor man’s brothers hate him;

khow much more do his friends go far from him!

He pursues them with words, but does not have them.3

lWhoever gets sense loves his own soul;

he who keeps understanding will mdiscover good.

gA false witness will not go unpunished,

and he who hbreathes out lies will perish.

10  nIt is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury,

much less for oa slave to rule over princes.

11  pGood sense makes one slow to anger,

and it is his glory to overlook an offense.

12  A king’s wrath is like qthe growling of a lion,

but his rfavor is like sdew on the grass.

13  tA foolish son is ruin to his father,

and ua wife’s quarreling is va continual dripping of rain.

14  wHouse and wealth are inherited from fathers,

but a prudent wife is xfrom the Lord.

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