John 12:9–16

When the large crowd of the Jews learned that Jesus1 was there, they came, not only on account of him but also to see Lazarus, owhom he had raised from the dead. 10 pSo the chief priests made plans to put Lazarus to death as well, 11 because qon account of him many of the Jews were going away and believing in Jesus.

12 The next day rthe large crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem. 13 So they took branches of spalm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, tHosanna! Blessed is uhe who comes in the name of the Lord, even vthe King of Israel! 14 And Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, just as it is written,

15  wFear not, daughter of Zion;

behold, your king is coming,

sitting on a donkey’s colt!

16 xHis disciples did not understand these things at first, but ywhen Jesus was glorified, then zthey remembered that these things had been written about him and had been done to him.

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2 View All Leviticus 19:27