Jeremiah 11:21

21 Therefore thus says the Lord concerning the men of hAnathoth, iwho seek your life, and say, jDo not prophesy in the name of the Lord, or you will die by our hand

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Jeremiah 18:18

18 Then they said, pCome, let us make plots against Jeremiah, qfor the law shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. rCome, let us strike him with the tongue, and let us not pay attention to any of his words.

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Jeremiah 20:2

Then jPashhur beat Jeremiah the prophet, and put him min the stocks that were in the upper nBenjamin Gate of the house of the Lord.

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Jeremiah 20:7–10

O Lord, tyou have deceived me,

and I was deceived;

uyou are stronger than I,

and you have prevailed.

vI have become a laughingstock all the day;

everyone mocks me.

For whenever I speak, I cry out,

I shout, wViolence and destruction!

For xthe word of the Lord has become for me

ya reproach and yderision all day long.

If I say, I will not mention him,

or speak any more in his name,

zthere is in my heart as it were a burning fire

shut up in my bones,

and aI am weary with holding it in,

and I cannot.

10  bFor I hear many whispering.

cTerror is on every side!

Denounce him! dLet us denounce him!

say all my eclose friends,

fwatching for gmy fall.

Perhaps he will be deceived;

then hwe can overcome him

and take our revenge on him.

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