Amos 4:8–11

so two or three cities xwould wander to another city

to drink water, and would not be satisfied;

uyet you did not return to me,

declares the Lord.

yI struck you with blight and mildew;

your many gardens and your vineyards,

your fig trees and your olive trees zthe locust devoured;

uyet you did not return to me,

declares the Lord.

10  I sent among you a pestilence aafter the manner of Egypt;

I killed your young men with the sword,

and bcarried away your horses,1

and cI made the stench of your camp go up into your nostrils;

uyet you did not return to me,

declares the Lord.

11  I overthrew some of you,

das when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah,

and you were eas a brand2 plucked out of the burning;

uyet you did not return to me,

declares the Lord.

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2 View All Leviticus 19:27