John the son of Zebedee

John the son of Zebedee was one of Jesus’ 12 disciples, along with his brother James. John was a fisherman. He and James were in business with fellow disciples Simon Peter and Andrew (Luke 5:10). John was a close friend of Jesus and one of the inner circle of disciples. He is probably “the other disciple” (John 18:16) and “the one whom Jesus loved” (20:2). This “other disciple” reclined next to Jesus at the Last Supper (13:23). He stood at the foot of the cross, where Jesus entrusted his mother Mary to John’s care (19:26–27). Along with Peter he witnessed the empty tomb on the first Easter morning (20:2–10). He also talked with the resurrected Jesus (21:7, 20). In addition to the Gospel bearing his name, John wrote the books of 1, 2 and 3 John, and Revelation. (John 13:23)