Psalm 89:1–4; Psalm 89:26–29; Romans 16:25–27

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Psalm 89:1–4

I Will Sing of the Steadfast Love of the Lord

A Maskil1 of hEthan the Ezrahite.

iI will sing of jthe steadfast love of the Lord forever;

with my mouth I will make known your kfaithfulness to all generations.

For I said, jSteadfast love will be built up forever;

in the heavens lyou will establish your kfaithfulness.

You have said, I have made ma covenant with my nchosen one;

I have osworn to David my servant:

I will establish your poffspring forever,

and build your qthrone for all generations. Selah

Psalm 89:26–29

26  He shall cry to me, You are my gFather,

my God, and hthe Rock of my salvation.

27  And I will make him the ifirstborn,

jthe highest of the kings of the earth.

28  My steadfast love I will keep for him forever,

and my kcovenant will stand firm1 for him.

29  I will establish his loffspring forever

and his lthrone as mthe days of the heavens.

Romans 16:25–27


25 jNow to him who is able to strengthen you kaccording to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, laccording to the revelation of the mystery mthat was kept secret for nlong ages 26 but ohas now been disclosed and through the prophetic writings has been made known to all nations, according to the command of the eternal God, pto bring about the obedience of faith 27 to qthe only wise God rbe glory forevermore through Jesus Christ! Amen.