Matthew 12:22–24; Luke 11:14–15; Matthew 9:32–34

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Matthew 12:22–24

Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit

22 wThen a demon-oppressed man who was blind and mute was brought to him, and he healed him, so that the man spoke and saw. 23 xAnd all the people were amazed, and said, xCan this be the Son of David? 24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, yIt is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this man casts out demons.

Luke 11:14–15

Jesus and Beelzebul

14 yNow he was casting out a demon that was mute. When the demon had gone out, the mute man spoke, and the people marveled. 15 But some of them said, He casts out demons zby Beelzebul, the prince of demons,

Matthew 9:32–34

Jesus Heals a Man Unable to Speak

32 As they were going away, behold, a kdemon-oppressed man who was mute lwas brought to him. 33 And when the demon had been cast out, the mute man spoke. And the crowds mmarveled, saying, Never was anything like this seen in Israel. 34 But the Pharisees said, He casts out demons by the prince of demons.