Luke 2:30; Acts 28:28; Luke 1:69; Luke 1:71; Luke 1:77; Titus 2:11

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Luke 2:30

30  for gmy eyes have seen your hsalvation

Acts 28:28

28 Therefore let it be known to you that ythis zsalvation of God ahas been sent to the Gentiles; bthey will listen.1

Luke 1:69

69  and khas raised up la horn of salvation for us

min the house of his servant David,

Luke 1:71

71  pthat we should be saved from our enemies

and from the hand of all who hate us;

Luke 1:77

77  to give knowledge of salvation to his people

ain the forgiveness of their sins,

Titus 2:11

11 For hthe grace of God ihas appeared, bringing salvation jfor all people,