Leviticus 21:5
5 bThey shall not make bald patches on their heads, nor shave off the edges of their beards, nor make any cuts on their body.
Isaiah 15:2
2 He has gone up to the temple,1 and to iDibon,
to the high places2 to weep;
Moab kwails.
On every head is lbaldness;
every beard is shorn;
Jeremiah 9:26
26 cEgypt, Judah, Edom, the sons of Ammon, Moab, and dall who dwell in the desert who cut the corners of their hair, for all these nations are uncircumcised, and all the house of Israel are euncircumcised in heart.”
Jeremiah 48:37
37 h“For every head is shaved and every beard cut off. iOn all the hands are gashes, and jaround the waist is sackcloth.