Lamentations 3:22–33; Psalm 30; 2 Corinthians 8:1–9

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Lamentations 3:22–33

22  lThe steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;1

lhis mercies never come to an end;

23  they are new mevery morning;

ngreat is your faithfulness.

24  oThe Lord is my portion, says my soul,

ktherefore I will hope in him.

25  The Lord is good to those who pwait for him,

to the soul who seeks him.

26  qIt is good that one should wait quietly

for the salvation of the Lord.

27  rIt is good for a man that he bear

the yoke sin his youth.

28  Let him tsit alone in silence

when it is laid on him;

29  ulet him put his mouth in the dust

there may yet be hope;

30  vlet him give his cheek to the one who strikes,

and let him be filled with insults.

31  wFor the Lord will not

cast off forever,

32  for, though he xcause grief, yhe will have compassion

zaccording to the abundance of his steadfast love;

33  afor he does not afflict from his heart

or bgrieve the children of men.

Psalm 30

Joy Comes with the Morning

A Psalm of David. A song at the dedication of rthe temple.

I will sextol you, O Lord, for you have drawn me up

and have not let my foes trejoice over me.

O Lord my God, I ucried to you for help,

and you have vhealed me.

O Lord, you have brought up my soul from wSheol;

you restored me to life from among those who xgo down to the pit.1

Sing praises to the Lord, O you yhis saints,

and zgive thanks to his holy name.2

aFor his anger is but for a moment,

and bhis favor is for a lifetime.3

cWeeping may tarry for the night,

but djoy comes with the morning.

As for me, I said in my eprosperity,

I shall never be fmoved.

By your favor, O Lord,

you made my gmountain stand strong;

you hhid your face;

I was idismayed.

To you, O Lord, I cry,

and jto the Lord I plead for mercy:

What profit is there in my death,4

if I go down to the pit?5

Will kthe dust praise you?

Will it tell of your faithfulness?

10  lHear, O Lord, and be merciful to me!

O Lord, be my helper!

11  You have turned for me my mourning into mdancing;

you have loosed my sackcloth

and clothed me with gladness,

12  that my nglory may sing your praise and not be silent.

O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!

2 Corinthians 8:1–9

Encouragement to Give Generously

We want you to know, brothers,1 about the grace of God that has been hgiven among the churches of Macedonia, for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and itheir extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. For they gave jaccording to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord, begging us earnestly kfor the favor2 of taking part in lthe relief of the saints and this, not as we expected, but they mgave themselves first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us. Accordingly, nwe urged Titus that as he had started, so he should complete among you othis act of grace. But as pyou excel in everythingin faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and in our love for you3qsee that you excel in this act of grace also.

rI say this not as a command, but to prove by the earnestness of others that your love also is genuine. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that sthough he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.