Galatians 2:6; Philippians 3:7–8; Colossians 2:11; 1 Timothy 5:21

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Galatians 2:6

And from those vwho seemed to be influential (what they were makes no difference to me; wGod shows no partiality)those, I say, who seemed influential xadded nothing to me.

Philippians 3:7–8

But awhatever gain I had, bI counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of cthe surpassing worth of dknowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I ehave suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ

Colossians 2:11

11 In him also vyou were circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, by wputting off the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ,

1 Timothy 5:21

21 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels gI charge you to keep these rules without prejudging, hdoing nothing from partiality.