Exodus 33:17–23; Exodus 34:29–35

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Exodus 33:17–23

17 And the Lord said to Moses, This very thing that you have spoken I will do, ofor you have found favor in my sight, and I know you by name. 18 Moses said, Please pshow me your glory. 19 And he said, qI will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name The Lord. And rI will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. 20 But, he said, you cannot see my face, for sman shall not see me and live. 21 And the Lord said, Behold, there is a place by me where you shall stand on the rock, 22 and while my glory passes by I will put you in a tcleft of the rock, and I will ucover you with my hand until I have passed by. 23 Then I will take away my hand, and you shall see my back, but my face shall vnot be seen.

Exodus 34:29–35

The Shining Face of Moses

29 When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, with uthe two tablets of the testimony in his hand as he came down from the mountain, Moses did not know that the skin of his face vshone because he had been talking with God.1 30 Aaron and all the people of Israel saw Moses, and behold, the skin of his face wshone, and they were afraid to come near him. 31 But Moses called to them, and Aaron and all the leaders of the congregation returned to him, and Moses talked with them. 32 Afterward all the people of Israel came near, and he xcommanded them all that the Lord had spoken with him on Mount Sinai. 33 And when Moses had finished speaking with them, he put a yveil over his face.

34 Whenever Moses zwent in before the Lord to speak with him, he would remove the veil, until he came out. And when he came out and told the people of Israel what he was commanded, 35 the people of Israel would see the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses’ face was ashining. And Moses would put the veil over his face again, until he went in to speak with him.