Ecclesiastes 2:24–26; Ecclesiastes 3:12–13; Ecclesiastes 5:18–20; Ecclesiastes 7:14; Ecclesiastes 8:15; Ecclesiastes 9:7; Ecclesiastes 9:9

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Ecclesiastes 2:24–26

24 fThere is nothing better for a person than that he should geat and drink and find enjoyment1 in his toil. This also, I saw, is hfrom the hand of God, 25 for apart from him2 who can eat or who can have enjoyment? 26 For to the one who pleases him iGod has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, but to the sinner he has given ethe business of gathering and collecting, jonly to give to one who pleases God. kThis also is vanity and a striving after wind.

Ecclesiastes 3:12–13

12 I perceived that there is cnothing better for them than to be joyful and to ddo good as long as they live; 13 also ethat everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toilthis is fGod’s gift to man.

Ecclesiastes 5:18–20

18 Behold, what I have seen to be hgood and fitting is to eat and drink and find enjoyment1 in all the toil with which one toils under the sun the few days of his life that God has given him, for this is his ilot. 19 Everyone also to whom jGod has given kwealth and possessions land power to enjoy them, and to accept his lot and rejoice in his toilthis is mthe gift of God. 20 For he will not much remember the days of his life because God keeps him occupied with joy in his heart.

Ecclesiastes 7:14

14 yIn the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, zso that man may not find out anything that will be after him.

Ecclesiastes 8:15

15 And I commend joy, for man whas nothing better under the sun but to xeat and drink and be joyful, for this will go with him in his toil through the days of his life that God has given him under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 9:7

Enjoy Life with the One You Love

Go, keat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do.

Ecclesiastes 9:9

Enjoy life with the wife whom you love, all the days of your nvain1 life that he has given you under the sun, because that is your oportion in life and in your toil at which you toil under the sun.